
My First Loves

My First Loves

 I’ve been in the Health & Fitness field for over 20 years, but during this time I also developed a passion for animals. I experienced firsthand what it is to have a relationship with our best friends, the companion animals we share our homes with. The relationship I had with Charlie and Teddy brought me joy, fun, love, kept me in the moment, and as I’ve written, I learned so much from them. I also felt deep pain when I had to say goodbye. I leared that by giving my unconditional love, a whole new world opened up for me. My life and perceptions changed from sharing my life with them. While I will also continue to help clients achieve greater health, fitness and weight loss, I now will dedicate myself to animal welfare and to helping people with their furry friends health through optimal nutrition.

I hold a post graduate certificate from HSUS in Animal Studies, where I learned about the Animal Protection Movement, it’s Ethical and Cultural bases, Animal Behavior, and scientific discoveries regarding Animal Sentience.

I recently completed an approved AVMA program as a Veterinary Medical Assistant as well as studies in Canine/Feline Clinical Nutrition. My educational and professional background in Human Health with an M.S. in Health, B.S. in Behavioral Science, A.A.S. in Nutrition, and additional certifications allowed me to enter the nutrition field for dogs and cats.

For more information about me, go to www.junefit.com/about_us_june.htm Contact me at june@junefit.com for information about my Canine/Feline Nutritional Consultations.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: About | junefit

  2. Hey there June! Since you started following my blog I wanted to check out your blog and say, “Hi!” I loved your ‘Adopt a Dog or Cat, Save a Life’ post and I resonate with what you’ve written on your about page. I look forward to reading more of your posts! Celeste 🙂

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